Enquiry resource

This resource is "write only". It accepts only POST requests and is used to send an enquiry to a ZEST website.

The endpoint accepts an Enquiry resource the the following nodes:

  • email - who is making the enquiry
  • fname - sender's first name
  • lname - sender's last name
  • subject - enquiry subject
  • message - main enquiry body
  • tag - optionally tag the enquiry
  • notify - force notification off by setting to '0'. Defaults to on.

It will:

  • create an enquiry
  • link that enquiry to an existing user, or create a new user if one doesn't exist
  • tag the enquiry (and any created user) with any specified tags
  • send a notification to the website admin that they have received an enquiry (unless this is suppressed by setting notify to 0).

Example request

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <subject>I have a question</subject>
        <message>How much wood would a wood chuck chuck?</message>


The response will be a standard API rsp response indicating success or failure. If successful, it will contain the newly created enquiry code/id:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<rsp performed_at="Tue May 17 13:22:07 2022" session="" stat="ok" version="3.0">