XSD Schemas

While the Data API provides autogenerated XSD schemas, it is highly recommended you don't make your code tightly coupled to it. In our experience, integrations written in this way a very fragile and tend to break a lot. From time to time we do add fields to resources, and make basic changes to schemas (although we seldom remove fields or make major changes to the schemas, as we have a considerable legacy of old sites to maintain). We assume application developers will design their software to be robust against this (ie ignore fields that you don't know about, or handle minor changes to data types rather than failing). The API is designed to be robust against this as well, eg it does not require you to specify all fields for a resource (only those you want to set).

TO view the autogenerated XSD schema for a website, access the endpoint:


Disabling the schema

For some clients the schema's can cause problems (eg if you client doesn't support username/passwords for schema files) in which case you can disable references to the xsd from the xml with the _disable_xsd=1 parameter
